"Architecture Patterns with Python," co-authored by Harry Percival and Bob Gregory, is a groundbreaking exploration of architectural design principles in Python software development. In this inaugural edition, Percival and Gregory...
"Building Micro-Frontends: Scaling Teams and Projects, Empowering Developers" by Luca Mezzalira is a groundbreaking exploration into the world of micro-frontends, offering invaluable insights for teams and developers navigating the complexities...
In "Building Microservices: Designing Fine Grained Systems," Sam Newman delves into the intricacies of architecting and implementing microservices, a paradigm that has revolutionized how modern applications are built and scaled....
In "Fundamentals Of Software Architecture: An Engineering Approach," Mark Richards and Neal Ford delve deep into the essential principles and practices that define effective software architecture. With decades of combined...
In "Monolith to Microservices: Evolutionary Patterns to Transform Your Monolith" by Sam Newman, readers are guided through a comprehensive journey of modernizing software architecture from monolithic systems to microservices. Newman,...